Another community member is not fooled by Brad Lander's BG (Bridging Gowanus) sleight of hand: our CORD post: Brad Lander's Magic Show, Brilliant Sleight of Hand--- And Slight to the Community....has inspired our readers to share some of their thoughts and experiences. Please read on and see what Jenny Dubnau has to say:

I work with the Artist Studio Affordability Project (ASAP): . We work against over-development citywide, particularly trying to save
what remains of our manufacturing zones, where many working artists have
their studio spaces. As many of you know, the influx of hotels,
self-storage units, and restaurants (not to mention the occasional
rezoning to include residential development) into manufacturing zones
has caused rents to skyrocket, and threatens the very existence of
jobs-producing manufacturers and artists, all of whom depend upon
affordable rents.
ASAP is fighting to preserve and indeed tighten the manufacturing zoning restrictions to keep those areas viable for industry and working artists, and in addition we are fighting hard for the Small Business Jobs Survival Act (SBJSA), a bill in the City Council that would offer lease protections to ALL commercial renters. This bill would protect mom & pop stores in all of our neighborhoods, as well as artists and makers in industrial zones. The bill is not commercial rent control, but would guarantee the basic right to renew, and would mandate mediation and then binding arbitration if the rent increase was felt to be too high.
This is in fact a very mild bill, and is a common-sense first step to easing the commercial rent crisis in our city. In 2009, Council member Lander supported this bill. But now he opposes it, saying that it is "unconstitutional." How on earth is it "unconstitutional" to simply offer lease protections to struggling small businesses and artists in our city? And why the sudden turnaround on Landers part? The bill is essentially unchanged from 2009, when he, along with Council Speaker Melissa Mark-Viverito and Mayor Bill deBlasio (who have also made a cowardly about-face), supported it. Naturally, NYC real estate lobbyists loathe this bill: they are making a killing from soaring commercial rents.
of you know about the recent mass eviction of artists and small
manufacturers from the building on 9th Street, near the Smith/9th St
subway station. If the SBJSA were in place, the landlord would not have
been allowed to simply refuse to renew the leases of dozens and dozens
of commercial tenants in good standing. The building is being emptied,
to make way, most probably, for a gut renovation and a lease to a
high-end retailer or higher-rent-paying "creative/tech" firms.
This is a concrete example of how our manufacturing zones are being gentrified. Though Council member Lander came to our rally and press conference against the mass eviction of the artist building on 9th street last fall, he has disappointed us by refusing to support the Small Business Jobs Survival Act (SBJSA). He promised to meet with us to discuss this further, but after much pressure, he wouldn't meet with us in person, and we spoke to two of his aides instead.
Very, very disappointing. We will not stop pushing for this bill.
If anyone wants to work with us on
this locally, please email us at
Jenny Dubnau, ASAP
Thank you, Jenny Dubnau!
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We will only reprint if YOU specifically request us to do so. We will never print your comment without your permission. Don't be shy...this is YOUR neighborhood!
For More Info Please See:
Brad Lander's Magic Show, Brilliant Sleight of Hand--- And Slight to the Community...
Not Fooled by Brad Lander's Bridging Gowanus Sleight of Hand, Another Attendee Speaks