The latest AM NY "ZONE OF ANXIETY" article (See below) mirrors our sentiments exactly. And we wonder: Why would the City want to build MORE in ZONE A? (A KNOWN FLOOD ZONE) anyhow? Zone A includes the entire stretch along the toxic Gowanus Canal that was evacuated last weekend. We at CORD feel this is is a premonition of events to come, perhaps far more serious.
8/31/11By Graham Wood: "Hurricane Irene floods have some NYers eyeing a new nabe"
excerpt: Unnerved after being forced to take refuge at a friend’s place on the Upper East Side while the East River swelled and imperiled her block at Wall and Water streets, Melillo said “it doesn’t feel quite as safe anymore” in the Financial District. As Irene exposed neighborhoods that are most vulnerable during natural disasters, New Yorkers have a fresh concern when deciding where to live: Am I safe here if this happens again?
Indeed, the areas most affected by Irene — from Battery Park City to Williamsburg and Long Island City — could be hit by a flood of people seeking permanent shelter elsewhere, at least in Irene’s immediate aftermath, real estate observers told am NewYork" (Wood, AM NY)
CORD wonders (Again and Again): Why build ANY NEW BUILDINGS (of any kind) in ANY ZONE A including the Gowanus Canal Corridor, anyhow? Isn't this the most obviously DUMB idea on the planet? Why put MORE people in MORE harm's way? Will not the City of NY, and the insurers and lawyers from seas far and wide, be flooded with foam filled, desperate phone calls from these terrible decisions? It will cause a deluge of problems for sure.
To make matters even worse, we seem to have an evacuation route from this neighborhood that also FLOODS becasue it takes us over the canal, that is through the flood zone to get out of the flood. Does this alarm anyone besides us?
Some of the the Gowanus CANAL Area Redevelopment ideas floated by NYC place thousands more innocent residents and others on the banks of the Gowanus...a flood zone and in obvious harm's way.
Monday, August 29, 2011
"Do Carroll Gardens and Gowanus have a viable evacuation route in case of emergency?"
http://carrollgardenspetition.We at CORD wonder: What are the Mayor Bloomberg and his administration thinking when they propose planning to develop more buildings in an already dangerous flood zone? Perhaps Mayor Bloomberg will take this up with Mother Nature?
PMF covered this well on the weekend:
Sunday, August 28, 2011
We urge you to let us know your thoughts at and/or to telephone your local representatives and or Mayor Bloomberg's office. Carroll Gardens and Gowanus deserve better! We need a proper evacuation route discussion ASAP and a sane plan for the future ZONE A.