furious race to ensure that the forthcoming Brad Lander/Department of
City Planning/Let's Build 'Em Big Vision of the Gowanus is compatible
with the community's "input" continues.....
While the online "survey" is still available until September 15th,
for those who are more interested in a less electronically controlled,
more hands on approach, there are a series of smaller Bridging Gowanus
events to attend and allegedly express your opinion.
say allegedly, because this method of gathering community input is no
less complicated, convoluted or crooked than the currently proffered
online "weigh in". LINK
Two of these
events have already taken place and this post will concentrate on them
and their outcome. The first was held at the Bell House, 149 7th Street.
The second at the Fifth Avenue Committee Headquarters at 621 Degraw St.

The mission was to choose a blank vertical column and claim it (temporarily) as our own and then position the appropriately colored post it paper in our vertical column, making sure that we were listing our favorite goals in order of preference from top to bottom.

Catherine was very busy multitasking at the Fifth Avenue Committee function. Data collection accuracy at best was probably less than mediocre.
we were given another opportunity to refine, sort of, our choices.
There were another series of poster boards with the goals and their
sub-category goals, just like the online weigh in.
The sub goals were represented by clearly marked large glass jars. We were provided ten (10) tickets. We were presented with thirty nine (39) jars. and instructed to place the tickets into the jars that most reflected our views of importance/preference.
The sub goals were represented by clearly marked large glass jars. We were provided ten (10) tickets. We were presented with thirty nine (39) jars. and instructed to place the tickets into the jars that most reflected our views of importance/preference.
presented with multiple choices, you could not address each one. In
fact, you were limited to preference just barely above 25% of them.
Essentially,, you could not effectively express disapproval of any kind
for any of them since even an empty jar did not necessarily reflect
disapproval---just that there simply were not enough tickets for you to
make complete choices.
This is not a weeding
out/refining process--it's just more meaningless busywork, a magic show
that determines nothing--not to mention a complete waste of several
types of paper goods.
So because this exercise
is supposed to glean some kind of information....we were informed that
both the Bell House (held on August 9th) and the Fifth Avenue Committee
(August 19th) events resulted in the hands down winner being....drum
roll please...
NEWS FLASH! This is already underway--thanks to the EPA's listing of the Canal to the National Priorities List years ago and the EPA Record of Decision issued in September, 2013. LINK
So, a thoughtful interpretation of this "data" so far, would indicate to any reasonable person that BEFORE any further development of the area proceeds CLEANUP must be insured.
So, now let's look at one of the first obstacles to EVER achieving this...
City of New York and the EPA have entered an agreement whereby NYC does
not have to site one of the two required retention tanks on the already
owned City property suggested by the EPA. In fact, they have sought and
have been granted several years, to use an alternate location----sites
that are not city owned. LINK
The City wants and
will pursue seizure of these private properties through eminent
domain---a costly and time consuming legal process--where municipalities
claim that the seizure of this private property is for the "greater
good". LINK
The extended time that the City has
agreed to accomplish this seizure within presents our community with
according to EPA Director, Walter Mugdan, a two to eight (2-8) YEAR
DELAY between the actual cap and clean of the canal and the construction
and implementation of the retention tank.
does this have to do with the posters and the color paper -- the jars
and the tickets?? Exactly---the whole point of sleight of hand is
to distract you from what is real and true--to make you believe you are
seeing something else.
In simpler terms, the
bacteria and toxic laden gook that currently collects at the bottom of
the canal--in some places at the rate of nearly 2 feet per year
will continue to pile up at the bottom of the cleaned and capped canal
from anywhere from 2 to 8 years.
You need no
poster boards, no cute little pieces of sticky pretty color paper to
realize that 2-8 years of collecting infected, contaminated toxic waste
at the bottom of the cleaned canal equals total obliteration of even the possibility of the number one preference in the Bridging Gowanus
process from ever becoming a reality.
It would
have been much more truthful to put a line through this choice--and say why right there on a poster board all its own.
for the greater good or not, just in case you were unaware of what the
EPA had suggested as the preferred location for this one retention tank,
there is a park. It is the Thomas Greene Park which was basically built
on one of the old gas manufacturing plants--The site is contaminated
with a dangerous chemical by product of the gas manufacturing era and
industry--coal tar.
This black, mayonnaise
consistency toxic goo is under the ground--forever oozing beneath the
surface usually making its way in a downhill direction--which keeps it
heading for and entering the Gowanus Canal. It is deeper and denser in
some areas more than others--no area more so in the park than right
under the Thomas Greene in-ground pool.
the EPA cleanup of the canal does not permit any further re-contamination
of the canal from the uplands--measures will be taken to block the coal
tar that cannot be completely removed from re oozing into the canal.
So, in comes the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation
to clean those uplands, under the supervision of the Feds at the EPA.
order for the park to be cleaned appropriately, parts of the park must
be dug up and cleaned out---including under the pool---where a small
lake of coal tar lurks.
During the clean up
process, naturally parts of the park and the pool itself will not be
able to be utilized. The pool must be dug up--the area beneath it
cleaned out. Then and only then can the pool be replaced and open for
use. This is admittedly an inconvenience but a very necessary one.
the EPA thought it was in the best interests of the community and we
taxpayers to suggest that the retention tank could be safely and cost
effectively placed within the park--already City owned land. It was
possible, even preferable, according to the engineering experts at the
EPA to build the tank underground and place the pool on top of the
tank--what would be left would be an underground working facility with a
brand new in-ground pool above it- providing a cleaner, healthier
overall environment as well as-saving time and money for the City which
is responsible for a great deal of the entire cleanup cost. Win all the
way around--right?
The Park would probably be
closed for use by the community for a couple of years, making use of the
pool impossible for that time.But it would certainly be within the
City's ability to provide some kind of temporary pop up pool at another
location nearby for summertime use. (The Thomas Greene Park Pool is
essentially opened approximately 9-10 weeks per year) and eventually the
pool could be replaced with something even better than what was there
prior to the cleanup.
Instead, the City chose
this opportunity to make a grab for some key land parcels at tremendous
financial cost and precious Canal clean up time lost under the guise of
protecting a necessary amenity to an under served community. This will
NOT prevent the park from being closed nor the pool from being dug up.In
fact this will probably delay the park and pool use even longer than
the EPA's proposal.
Some of our local elected
officials were appalled at the idea of siting the tank in the park under
the pool--by far the most logical, cost and time effective proposal.
Jo-Anne Simon, for example, in a telephone conversation with a CORD member
expressed her resistance to the idea by saying that this proposal would
essentially remove an amenity to this under served community for a
Where in the world did that idea
come from? The EPA had already proved time and time again that they
could do things effectively while sticking to and at times, even
exceeding their own time line expectations.So what was the problem?
No sleight of hand here---let's now look at real cost...
projected cost for both (that's 2) of the required retention tanks at
seventy eight million dollars ($78,000,000). Let's be fair and say costs
could vary up to 20% either way--that puts the projected cost for the
two tanks somewhere between $62,400,000 and $93,600,000.
projected cost for the entire cleanup of the Canal (including the two
tanks) was approximately $504,000,000. (take the 20% differential into
consideration) and total cost could range from $403,200,000. to
Although that cost is the responsibility of NYC--we all know that means all of us are the ones eventually footing the bill.
York City's estimated cost for one (1) of the two required tanks? Five
hundred and ten million dollars ($510,000,000.) This is, of course,
largely related to the cost of the privately owned land seizures and the
legal fees that come along with such actions.
Don't know about you but I am not seeing that elusive greater good yet...
You do not have to be a genius to see that if the City of New York had utilized the land under the pool (remember it is being removed anyway) for the retention tank, they would have saved hundreds of millions of dollars.
Surely, if the City can come up with this 510 million dollar appropriation, for a project that should not have even cost 100 million, they could come up with a few million dollars to replace that pool with a truly spectacular amenity--maybe something indoor and suitable for year round use. And wouldn't that have been a wonderful way to provide jobs for people in the community as well as recreation and respite?
You do not have to be a genius to see that if the City of New York had utilized the land under the pool (remember it is being removed anyway) for the retention tank, they would have saved hundreds of millions of dollars.
Surely, if the City can come up with this 510 million dollar appropriation, for a project that should not have even cost 100 million, they could come up with a few million dollars to replace that pool with a truly spectacular amenity--maybe something indoor and suitable for year round use. And wouldn't that have been a wonderful way to provide jobs for people in the community as well as recreation and respite?
By the way, this
half a billion dollar appropriation, even more than the EPA
estimated cost for the ENTIRE cleanup, by NYC Department of
Environmental Protection from OUR tax dollars was enthusiastically
tweeted out by our magic man, Brad Lander.
of questioning this seemingly irrational decision and championing
responsible, intelligent, cost and time effective spending of our money,
our Representative applauds a plan that holds up the clean up for years
while we wait for the City to seize what must surely be prized
properties while simultaneously permitting the continuing contamination
of the newly cleaned and capped Canal.
it make you wonder why? What does Brad have up his sleeve? Doesn't it
make Brad's widely promoted Participatory Budgeting Public Relations
event, suddenly seem like another part of the magic show.
In Participatory Budgeting, the
Community is permitted to have a "say" in one million dollars
($1,000,000) worth of our collected tax dollars to spend on projects
that are normally covered by a multitude of city funded agencies and
sometimes even not for profits.
Garbage pails?
Sanitation. School bathrooms? School Authority. Lines in the streets?
Department of Transportation. Library improvements? You would have to
check with the Mayor on that one. He got $30,000,000 to spread around
the city's libraries for turning a Brooklyn Heights branch into luxury
The PB is a magical idea. But when
push comes to shove, we at CORD would have preferred a Representative
who stands up and delivers fiscally responsible decisions rather than
letting us sort of play with his spare change.
as we continue to watch and even participate in the Brad Lander Magic
Show we are reminded of that Penn and Teller show--"Fool Us" where
different magicians attempt to fool the expert magic men while the rest
of the audience is just simply entertained.
In our community, we sit in the audience--sometimes we are even brought up to the stage to "participate."
we watch the show we should all be aware that our tax dollars are
literally disappearing down a very deep drain for reasons that we are
apparently not permitted to fully understand.
"greater good" seems to be more like some developers' dream of
waterfront housing in what was, in a previous Gowanus "framework"
rezoning plan, left as property for manufacturing use.
to be fair, Brad is not the only magician performing. We should not
forget to acknowledge all of our electeds as well---not a one of whom
objected to any of this waste and abuse.
Next up....we'll be talking more about more Bridging Gowanus goals....
Stay tuned!
We encourage you to send your comments to
We will only reprint if YOU specifically request us to do so. We will never print your comment without your permission. Don't be shy...this is YOUR neighborhood!
Stay tuned!
We encourage you to send your comments to
We will only reprint if YOU specifically request us to do so. We will never print your comment without your permission. Don't be shy...this is YOUR neighborhood!
For More Info Please See:
Brad Lander's Bridging Gowanus: Semantics or Some Antics?
Solution to a Problem or Problem to a Solution? Community Left Wondering About EPA's Gowanus Canal Settlement Agreement with New York City
CORD says: NYC Seizing Personal Property Through Eminent Domain is Unnecessary, UNFAIR, and Fiscally Irresponsible!
Eminent Domain is Unnecessary, UNFAIR, and Fiscally Irresponsible! (Part Two)
"Stop Eminent Domain From Closing Our Studio!" Eastern Effects Asks Community for Help in Fighting City's Plan to Seize 270 Nevins Street
Solution to a Problem or Problem to a Solution? Community Left Wondering About EPA's Gowanus Canal Settlement Agreement with New York City
CORD says: NYC Seizing Personal Property Through Eminent Domain is Unnecessary, UNFAIR, and Fiscally Irresponsible!
Eminent Domain is Unnecessary, UNFAIR, and Fiscally Irresponsible! (Part Two)
"Stop Eminent Domain From Closing Our Studio!" Eastern Effects Asks Community for Help in Fighting City's Plan to Seize 270 Nevins Street