CG CORD Newsletter 10/17/2013
The Voice of Voters
Hello from CORD!
We heard from many readers---regarding our recent piece, "Married" to Bill DeBlasio....................A Joint Memoir from Some Ex-Constituents
co-published with PMFA yesterday.
Not everyone wanted their comments published, but here is one from: Joe from Carroll Gardens. Please read on:
"Can recall many years ago, getting a sepia-toned mailing of an old Italian immigrant and how a Bill DeBlasio reflected on that heritage etc etc
I thought his name sounded so much like Dibrienza that many of the older folks might just get confused in the voting booths?
Years later, I recall a local paper (believe the reporter was Eric Enquist now with CriansNY) saying his DeBlasio name was actually Warren Wilhelm am that a German ancestry at that time, decades ago would have made it a far harder climb into the political ranks.
He hadn't officially changed his name until a year before running for public Advocate -- which meant that each election he ran in an AKA which is against NY State law. You have to sign your real name - and attest to any AKAs, which would mean he was fraudulently identifying himself? This law prevents anyone from running as Martin Luther King Jr. Etc - but didn't slow down a Bill DeBlasio (whose wife also worked at the Board of Elections).
Today, we can google and discover that despite DeBlasio's new narrative of why/how/when he changed his name -- his own mother was using the Wilhelm name in 1988 when she published her book (covered by the NY Times). So if She was using it - and his brothers still are - what's the weight of his new story?"
"Joe from
Carroll Gardens"
We encourage all of our District 39 neighbors to send your comments and/or your Bill DeBlasio experiences to
If you would like your comments published, please give us express permission in your email to do so.
For more information:
10/16/2013 "Married" to Bill DeBlasio....................A Joint Memoir from Some Ex-Constituents
10/16/2013 "Married" to Bill DeBlasio....................A Joint Memoir from Some Ex-Constituents
9/29/2013 Gowanus Canal to Mayoral Hopefuls DeBlasio and Lhota: "STAND BY ME!!"
(Note: As of today's writing, we have had no response from the mayoral candidates)
9/7/2013 Questions for Christine Quinn AND all the NYC Mayoral Candidates