IMPORTANT! Community Meeting re:
Lightstone Group ‘s “Minor Modifications” Application for their LARGE-
SCALE general development for Bond St. along the Gowanus Canal in Carroll
Scroll down for the NY Times:
From our District Manager:
“Please be advised that the Brooklyn CB6 Landmarks/Land Use
committee's review of The Lightstone Group's application for "minor
modifications" to the previously approved land use actions at 363-365 Bond
Street has been confirmed for 6:45pm on Thursday, September 27th and it will
take place at P.S. 32 Auditorium, 317 Hoyt Street (between Union/President
Streets), Brooklyn.”
In addition to the information contained in the string of
emails below, you might also be interested in seeing the full letter from the
Department of City Planning inviting the Community Board to review and submit
comment by October 29, 2012.”
The letter from the department can be seen by clicking
here, or at the following link:
Please also note that while this committee meeting will
begin at 6:00pm, this particular issue will not be heard before 6:45pm to allow
our committee to get through the landmarks portion of their agenda. All
committee members are urged to be especially prompt to this meeting.
Lastly, even though the Community Board is not required to
conduct a public hearing since this is not a matter subject the City's uniform
land use review procedures (ULURP), they have opted to provide an opportunity
for the public to share their views with us about this application.
“A copy of our Public Hearing notice is available by
clicking here, or at the following link:
Please feel free to help spread the word.”
Best, Craig
Craig R. Hammerman
District Manager
Brooklyn Community Board 6
250 Baltic Street
Brooklyn, NY 11201-6401
t. 718.643.3027
f. 718.624.8410
This just
in from the NY Times:
“Anticipating Fallout From Lobbyist’s Legal Cooperation”
Published: September 25, 2012 09/26/nyregion/lipskys- cooperation-with-authorities- prompts-unease.html?emc=eta1&_ r=0
Below is
the List of New York City Lobbyist List. Please
note: Lightstone Group LLC on the first