Wednesday, December 7, 2011

General CAG meeting: Brooklyn Historical Society Dec 5th/ SUMMARY

Hello from CORD!
December's general CAG meeting was held at the Brooklyn Historical Society on Monday., Dec 5th.
The well attended meeting was first treated to two Gowanus Canal themed short films brought to the group by EPA Project Manager Christos Tsiamis and Attorney Brian Carr.
Following the presentation, the EPA team members made themselves available to answer questions regarding the ongoing process including the upcoming Feasibility Study, site specific information, etc. Representatives from the NY State Department of Environmental Conservation were also on hand to fill in some of the blanks.
Although the Q&A session took up most of the meeting, some cag business was addressed. Nathan Elbogen introduced a proposal related to the Whole Food's upcoming (Tues., Dec 13th) Board of Standards and Appeals hearing. After some discussion, it was decided that the CAG would request that the BSA postpone the hearing until the EPA has issued a Record of Decision to determine whether the Whole Foods plan is compatible with the cleanup process. The CAG approved. A second proposal was introduced and approved whereby the CAG would request that Whole Foods come before the CAG and present their plan.
Also, an additional proposal, also approved by the CAG was introduced requesting that the NYC Department of Environmental Protection install water flow meters on several of the Canal's outfalls.
National Grid representatives, also on hand, reminded the group that they would be repeating the presentation they made to the EPA C STAG committee last month for any interested community members. This presentation would include a great deal of the data this PRP gathered during their own remedial investigation.
This will be held at National Grid's offices located at 1 Metrotech Center on Monday, Dec, 12th from 6PM to 9PM.


With the "Protect Our Homes" petition, CORD was formed in May, 2007. This petition arose as an overwhelmingly negative response to the coming of the over-sized 360 Smith Street Development at the corner of Smith Street and Second Place (Aka Oliver House; aka 131 Second Place). This petition, which had well over three thousand signatures, led to a new zoning text amendment in summer of 2008.

To: Our Elected Officials, Community Leaders, The MTA:
(MAY, 2007)

We the undersigned Carroll Gardens homeowners and residents, are appalled by the "as of right" ruling which allows owners and developers to erect buildings in our neighborhood with no regard to the impact they will present to our quality of life and the value of our homes........