Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Noisy Bar Patrons Keeping You Awake? CB6 To Host Meeting On Rules Governing Eating And Drinking Establishments

From the PMFA Blog:

CB6 Restaurants and Bar meeting Reminder

Here is the information about the CB6 meeting regarding bars and restaurants. Hope you can attend.


As the weather has warmed up in the last few weeks, many local residents have had to close their back windows and take out the ear plugs. All along commercial strips like Smith Street, Court Street, and 5th Avenue, restaurants and bars have swung open their doors and are infringing on their neighbors' right to a good night's sleep.

The proliferation of drinking establishments has certainly aggravated the problem in our mostly residential neighborhoods.

To help clarify the rules and regulations governing eating and drinking establishments, Community Board 6 is addressing the complaints from residents by hosting an informational meeting. Read the information below.

CB6 Public Safety/Environmental Protection/Permits & License Committee

is pleased to host…

An Informational Meeting

In an effort to better understand the rules and regulations governing restaurants and bars in our district, representatives from City agencies and local precincts will be on hand to answer any questions in respect to noise, smoking, backyard usage, garbage and other related issues.

Please join us on:

    DATE: Monday, May 24, 2010

TIME: 6:30 pm

      PLACE: Community Board 6 District Office

      250 Baltic Street, Auditorium

      (Between Court & Clinton Streets)

Bring your neighbors! Bring your friends! Find out what’s going on.

If you are having a problem with a particularly noisy establishment, this is the meeting for you. Please also take the time to write a comment below to document your complaint at the PMFA blog

Noisy Bar Patrons Keeping You Awake? CB6 To Host Meeting On Rules Governing Eating And Drinking Establishments


With the "Protect Our Homes" petition, CORD was formed in May, 2007. This petition arose as an overwhelmingly negative response to the coming of the over-sized 360 Smith Street Development at the corner of Smith Street and Second Place (Aka Oliver House; aka 131 Second Place). This petition, which had well over three thousand signatures, led to a new zoning text amendment in summer of 2008.

To: Our Elected Officials, Community Leaders, The MTA:
(MAY, 2007)

We the undersigned Carroll Gardens homeowners and residents, are appalled by the "as of right" ruling which allows owners and developers to erect buildings in our neighborhood with no regard to the impact they will present to our quality of life and the value of our homes........
