Yesterday, in a day long exercise in futility, Carroll Gardens residents sought information and clarification about De Blasio's plan to change our 150 year old plus courtyard protecting law in CArroll Gardens, Brooklyn.
For background on this, see our 12/2 Cord Post: BILL DE BLASIO'S STINGING PLANNED EXIT FROM CARROLL GARDENS below
Many community members attempted to glean insight through the Carroll Gardens Neighborhood Association (CGNA) email list serve (at Yahoo groups), a site Tom Gray (DeBlasio's District Director) uses frequently to disseminate information to our community.
Tom did not exactly ignore the community concerns. However, his instructions to call him for information, rather than sharing it with everyone all at once, was essentially, a non response.
Even the common sense, plain spoken moderator of the CGNA list serve site, Ed Mannix's appeal to Tom to simply explain to all right there on the list serve rather than have subscribers calling for the same info over and over again would not move Tom.
This is not a matter to be discussed one by one over the phone. This is something that affects and involves the whole community and we deserve a face to face explanation from the person who is supposed to be representing us and responsible for this bill.
Sometime during the day long exchanges, Tom mentioned that there is to be a meeting at the Hannah Senesh School on Monday evening, Dec 7th at 6 PM where everything will be, "explained." (See PMFA) http://
When asked who would be doing the explaining, there was no reply.
Tom did tell a CORD member that he would be there but there was no response given as to our Councilman's presence.
Brad Lander, our Councilman elect, has indicated that he will be able to attend Monday night's meeting. Since this situation will essentially fall into his lap as well as ours, due to the unusual timing of the departing Councilman, it is a relief to know that Brad will be present.
In the meantime, CORD has been receiving many comments regarding this ill conceived, last minute parting gesture by a Councilman who tried to publicly portray himself as a champion of his constituent's desires.
Below are some of the comments we have received. They have been coming from beyond our neighborhood as well as from within.
This is apropos, since come the New Year, Bill de Blasio will be representing all of New York City as, Public Advocate.
Comments from the Community:
"What possible purpose could these expansions have? They would certainly ruin one of the most distinctive features and charms of the lucky blocks that do have their gardens “out front.” Save us please from more meddling with that which is perfect “as is.”"
Boerum Hill Resident
"And as usual, you can expect our new "public advocate" will get the dollar,
or a few of them, for his next campaign." Boerum Hill Resident
I can't believe DeBlasio can get away with this. Is there anything the community can do? Carroll Gardens Resident
"I just read about this on "Pardon me for asking" blog.