Subject: Petition DEFEND GOWANUS
Date: Wed, 10 Dec 2008 15:33:50 -0500
From: Kevin.Duffy
Hi All-
I wanted to share this petition I created online that essentially takes an adopted resolution by the Sierra Club of New York to protect the environs of the Gowanus Canal in Brooklyn.
Some of you may be very well acquainted with Gowanus and its long industrial history, but presently there is a debate ensuing on permitting an exemption to allow for spot rezoning. This rezoning will open the development of residential housing along the waterway. This development, while promising for the community, will disrupt the environmental balance of the canal. The canal currently has not received any public funding for remediation and likely will not receive the appropriate funds going forward. Private development has committed to invest BUT in very limited capacity.
There are over 50 LETHAL pathogens in the canal which are contained by a natural state of remediation. Any disturbance will elevate the levels of toxicity and risk of exposure to nearby residents (including my family, friends and neighbors). More disconcerting is the risk of potential tidal surges that will spill the waters of the Gowanus into our adjoining communities. Gowanus is currently designated by FEMA as a flood zone.
You voice will represent the defense of the health and safety of the Brooklyn communities and our Gowanus environs. You are not obliged to sign, but your support will not go unnoticed or underappreciated.
If you can click this link and look for the button on the web page which states "view whole petition" you will be able to review yourselves. The more this petition can be distributed electronically, the greater its support.
Happy Holidays