CORD hopes that reading the words of your neighbors through these testimonies each day serves to inspire you to participate in the next phase of the zoning amendment process.
On Wednesday morning, June 4th, the City Planning Commission will be holding their hearings regarding the Carroll Gardens zoning text amendment... we are one step closer to MAKING A CORRECTION that needs to be resolved once and for all----we are almost there....we will give you more details as the date approaches...
We will need your support. Perhaps, you will be willing to speak before the commission. Perhaps, you will choose to share your thoughts with the commission via a letter. Let your friends and neighbors words be your guide. Please do not be afraid to participate.
Listen to what your neighbors have to say, listen to how they feel about where we live and let your voice be heard as well. This is your chance to make change happen. Take it.Link to Text Amendment Fact Sheet prepared by CORD and CGNA
Dear Borough President Markowitz:
In response to the public hearing on the Carroll Gardens Zoning Text
Amendment, Community District 6, 080345 ZRK, we would like to make it
known that, as residents of 113 2nd Place, we are in full support of the
amendment to re-zone Place Blocks as "narrow streets".
It is obvious to all but those who wish to over-develop here that this
is the right thing to do. It was the intent of the original developer
>>of this neighborhood, Richard Butts, to create a human-scaled,
garden-filled residential haven in the city. We all know that it was
only in error that these blocks were misclassified as "wide streets".
Please continue to do whatever is in within your power to correct this
error and hence limit out of scale and out of context development in
Carroll Gardens.
Thank you for your efforts thus far.
Joan and David Bredthauer
2nd Place
Brooklyn, NY 11231