CORD, the Carroll Gardens Coalition for Respectful Development, is very pleased with the steps that are being taken to amend the zoning text regarding our (not really)”wide streets”. (Entire First, Second, Third and Fourth Places; Second, Carroll and President Streets between Smith & Hoyt). Please see the Department of City Planning Website for more details.
This is such a positive thing for our community. For far too long, this unique situation has permitted too many developers to take advantage of our neighborhood.
From the DCP site: "In response to concerns about out-of-scale development from Community Board 6, local civic groups and elected officials, the Department of City Planning is proposing zoning text amendments to define certain streets in Carroll Gardens as narrow streets for zoning purposes. The text amendment would limit the size and configuration of new buildings and enlargements to more closely match the area's prevailing built character. Certain streets in Carroll Gardens are mapped on the City Map with widths of 100 to 130 feet. On these streets in Carroll Gardens, the mapped street therefore includes the characteristic deep front yards of homes as well as the sidewalks and roadbeds. The Zoning Resolution has more liberal floor area and height and setback rules for streets that are mapped at widths of 75 feet or more ("wide streets").
The zoning text amendments would apply to the following streets:
- First Place, Second Place, Third Place and Fourth Place between Henry Street and Smith Street; and
- Second Street, Carroll Street and President Street between Smith Street and Hoyt Street"