CORD is interested in your stories of what makes Carroll Gardens special to you.......your memories, your experiences here.We wish to display and celebrate that depth of passion, that thoughtful interest . We want you to share the stories of the neighborhood you found, what has changed since then and what you see and/or wish for the future.
"I am a third generation Carroll Gardens resident. Both of my parents and both sets of grandparents were born and raised here.
It is difficult for me to walk down almost any street in Carroll Gardens and not have some familiarity with at least one house. Whether it was the home of a family member or a childhood friend of mine, or perhaps it was the home of one of my sisters' or parents' or cousins' friends. At one time or another, I had walked through its doors, climbed its stair and took a peek out the window to see if and how the view differed from my own......story in full at CG CORD here to sign up
We want to encourage everyone to contribute to this newsletter. Share your essays, short stories, poems, artwork, memories, maybe even a photo that means Carroll Gardens to you. Send it via email to
(This story, in full, is also featured at Gowanus Lounge today!)