This testimony was submitted to Brooklyn Community Board 6 last week regarding the Gowanus Rezoning Plan. CG CORD is firmly opposed to this plan for many reasons. See below. CG CORD
Submitted by: Triada Samaras
Member: Gowanus CAG and
My name is Triada Samaras.
I am opposed to the current Gowanus Rezoning plan and urge a pause in the overall process.
I bought my home in Carroll Gardens in the mid 90s. I'm a single mother and working artist. I worked many years to be able to own my own home.
I am a member of the Gowanus Canal CAG Citizens Advisory Group and I co-founded Carrol Gardens CORD/Coalition for Respectful Development with my neighbors in 2007.
The City of New York is in total noncompliance with the EPA. In addition this ULURP process is entirely illegal and undemocratic.
Affordable housing is indeed an issue in New York City but the proposed rezoning puts the neediest New Yorkers directly in harm's way due to: chemical contamination. inadequate CSO planning, and perhaps worst of all: the location of the land in a flood zone that was well-documented during Hurricane Sandy as having toxic waters flooding the surrounding streets.
Using the 'affordable housing' issue as a reason to proceed with this re-zoning is both cynical and dangerous.
It is completely irresponsible to railroad this community especially during this time when we are trying to emerge from a pandemic. Moreover New York City is ignoring the public's rights to a voice in this matter.
I am opposed to the current rezoning plan and urge a pause in the overall process until New York City is fully compliant with the EPA.
I am opposed to the current rezoning plan and urge a pause in the overall process until a comprehensive study is done at "Public Place" and other coal tar remediation areas that fully documents the human health impacts of living over a coal tar contaminated site.
Triada Samaras
CG CORD Co-Founder
Gowanus Canal CAG Member