CB6 GOWANUS REZONE Statement Jun 3, 2021
My name in Marlene Donnelly for the past 30 years I have lived,
worked, and raised my family along the Carroll Garden’s side of the
Gowanus canal; and have also been active member of the Gowanus
EPA Superfund CAG, a member of the community group FROGG.
Today I am speaking for myself and my family.
First, I would like to say how very disappointed I am in my city
government’s handling of the ULURP process under the pandemic. It
has been sad to see the city administration that calls itself a
‘Progressive” government of the people, acting in an utterly suppressive
manner, in its efforts to hand over huge land-equity increases to
corporate developers at the expense of civic democracy.
The city’s insistence on this zoom session, allowing investors living in
places like New Jersey, equal footing in a ULURP process meant for the
local community, is not something the community agreed to. We can
only hope that none of these present practices will be allowed to
continue to muzzle communities as we move on from this pandemic.
My primary comment on this CB6/CB2 ULURP session is regarding the
whole of the DEIS. New York State SEQR law tells us that all “involved
agencies” must take part in preparing the DEIS for land-use changes as
proposed for Gowanus. Gowanus has a number of “involved agencies”
like the EPA, FEMA, NYSDEC, and possibly even the Army Corp and
HUD, that have jurisdictional responsibilities in Gowanus. They are
“involved agencies”. That these agencies may merely “comment” on the
DEIS, denies the public and the Community Boards the opportunity to
review input of these “involved agencies”.
It is my understanding that this means the current DEIS is insufficient
in meeting the legal requirements of New York State SEQR law.
Members of CB6 and CB2, who will be asked to vote on this action, are
not being given the complete environmental assessment that a proper
DEIS, prepared by all “involved agencies” would. CB6 and CB2
members each must consider that actions taken on this current
iteration of the DEIS may be irrelevant.
I am here today to ask that all members of CB6 and CB2 withhold any
action and vote on the Gowanus ULURP, until City Planning issues a
revised DEIS prepared with all “involved agencies”, as required under
New York SEQR law. Both the community and these Community
Boards are entitled to comment on a legitimate DEIS, one that reflects
the inputs of each “involved agencies” as their existing jurisdictions in
Gowanus require. Please table this current action at this time.
Marlene Donnelly